Saturday, July 29, 2006


Dammit, who's clicking these damn ads and ecouraging those idiots to place MORE ads? You don't get much for free, you know, even if it really does say so in an ugly, garish, flashing font.

That, or it's all true and its the reason I seem to be the last man alive without one, bah. I just can't bring myself to stomp a spider or hit 20 puppies with a frying pan. How about 'disembowel a Carphone Warehouse employee using only a bowling ball?' I'd PLAY that game! It has to be a bowling ball, anything sharper would end the game too quickly.


Blogger Unknown said...

There are definitely some valid free iPod offers out there, but they all involve getting a number of people to sign up for something (ebay/AOL/etc.etc.) up to the value of the device you *can* get a freebie by doing a lot of leg work and sales work...that's the trick they are using...

Thursday, August 03, 2006 7:37:00 PM  

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