Sunday, May 29, 2005


Just a lil tip, if you are in Redhill and sick of McDs, or you just cant actually get IN because of the hordes of chavs lurking around, the males of the species managing to smoke and swear at the same time, an amazing breakthrough in chav multitasking, and the girls with their earrings dangling around the hems of their skirts, usually about an inch under the fallopian tubes. A lil tip btw, its quite hard to blame your school for getting pregnant if you're never actually there, being too busy smoking outsde McD's, but that is another rant far too big for today, but basically my tip is, STOP FUCKING. ( if your mother is getting child benefit, can you claim it too for yours? hmmm) Dammit, now I'm going to have to say more, for instance, if you really must indulge in sex before the legal age (who am I kidding, its sex before they leave middle school now) I'd suggest trying foreplay, contraception, anything...foreplay? a chav doing something for someone else? contraception, spending money on stuff besides tesco value food, ringtones and Mayfair cigs? Just dont bring any more kids in at your age, and I'm being nice, because its not fair on you, and its not fair on your kids, thats all. I'm not being unfair, I'm sure they all love their kids, but....wouldnt it have been nice to wait until after school, maybe be in a relationship, have a father around for them, etc etc...

Anyway, what I was GOING to say, was I popped into Wetherspoons on a flush day, as they dont play music, they dont get as infested as some pubs in Redhill. *COUGH* abbot *COUGH*
and, I thought I'm feeling flush, ordered the mixed grill. £5.35, steak, sausage, 2 pork chops, lamb chop, and gammon steak...and chips...and they offered me salad or peas...and I managed not to hit anyone,as they'd already said I could have lotsa meat. Ok, ok, its not flame grilled oven burning mahogany antiques, and its got an exciting blend of NO herbs and spices, but I find that allows you to actually taste the meat, which I think is a good thing. Dont go expecting 5 star Egon Ronay haw hee haw Johnny Foreigner nonsense, but a big pile of meat n chips for about a fiver, and it doesnt even come in a bun, hows that for variety!


Blogger Unknown said...

Where is the picture?? ;)

Wednesday, June 01, 2005 9:47:00 AM  

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