Wednesday, May 03, 2006

3 Months since my last post?

Damn, and I've had so much to vent about too!

Hopefully I'm pulling myself out of the bleak fug I've been stuck in.

Oh, and I saw 'Silent Hill' and it was all I hoped it could be, a little confusing for people that don't know that game, and the main character has all the self preservation of Daphne from Scooby Doo, but when the movie really kicks in, you're there, stuck in Silent Hill, no way out.

A special mention for the special effects guys too, I heard they relied more on make up and latex than CGI, and as ever with Silent Hill the 'monsters' are more disturbing than 'BOO' style scary, and we may have a new horror icon in ol' Pyramid Head!

That was one I was concerned about, Pyramid Head could have been done so wrong. But he's believable, genuinely provoking a stalking feel, and gives off a real feeling of power.

I don't believe I've given any spoilers away for anyone that saw the trailer, but I can recommend it, although there is some blood etc, it's the rest of it that would dissuade me from sending a horror-phobe to go see it. Having said that, a great first date movie, if she's weird!



Blogger Unknown said...

Not watched it yet, but thanks for the heads up... ;)

Thursday, May 04, 2006 9:37:00 AM  

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