Friday, September 29, 2006

Old 'Catchphrase' clip and ad moans.

Nearly forgot about this one, 'Say what you see!'

That Capital One Advert, with the house full of guys in suits representing 'Bills'.
Take out a homeowner loan and clear all your bills!
It would be a lot more realistic if at the end, there was huge demon towering over the home with a 'capital one' badge that smashed the home to rubble when they missed a few payments tho, surely?
(Me? bitter about loan ads? and dammit, Carol Vorderman can quit doing loan ads too, how she can do the maths on loans and still advertise them with a clear conscience, I don't know. I'm sure she could get other work.)

As for Sheila's Wheels, its for insurance, would you trust that to a bunch like that? They might be incredibly professional and good value, but first impressions, you know?


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