Sunday, October 09, 2005


I have to say congrats to Terry Pratchett on his new book, THUD!
He has the wonderful ability to be funny, while at the same time conveying a real sense of character to even the bit players in his ..well, I'd say stories, but he really has created a world all his own. He also deals with big serious topics in a lightweight way, without making them flippant or disposable, THUD takes on racism, detaching it from real life by making it between the Dwarves and Trolls, instead of black and white, while still dealing with mob mentality, the stupidity of hate of differences, mindless following of leaders, and the simple 'believing all you read'. Also its a pleasure to see that things that have been the focus of previous books, (see 'The Truth' about the troubles of the first ever newspaper started in Ankh Morpork.), when there is a unfortunate moment when the press photographer get a shot of a dwarf restrained by a troll policeman, and it gets taken horribly out of context. I'm certainly not insane enough to knock J. R. R. Tolkien, but you have to wonder if he'd have been able to keep his world growing and getting better,deeper and more 'full', 30 books on... and of course, JK Rowling may have shifted Terry to 2nd place in the UK's best selling author, but I can't say I'm sure how long the Potter phenomenon will last, and remember that Terry hasn't had the publicity machines rumbling away behind him, although to be honest, any Discworld Movie would need at least 200 million dollars behind it, as its only going to be compared to the Lord of the Rings Trilogy, and what Hollywood moneybags is going to put a huge budget into a comedy? ( On a side note, a ring has appeared as a random reward in World of Warcraft, 'The One Ring', which gives +1 to all yours stats, and the description simply states, 'not as good as The Two Ring'. Nice.


Blogger Unknown said...

Oh very droll... ;)

Sunday, October 09, 2005 8:00:00 PM  

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